What would be the Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Name?

Please choose a name for this fund. A SMSF can have any name as each fund is linked with its trustees and possesses a unique ABN. If Smith is the last name of members, you may choose a name such as "Smith Family Superannuation Fund" or "Smith Retirement Fund".

Date of creation of this SMSF-

A date may be a past or a present date. However, if you intend to have a corporate trustee, date of creation of SMSF cannot be prior to date of incorporation of the company - please note that a complying fund must apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) within 60 days of its creation.

Which State Jurisdiction laws apply to the Trust Deed?

Please choose the state where the trust deed will be executed, the state chosen should be where you usually reside. Our instructions sheet (emailed to you after payment) will advise you, if any stamp duty is payable.

What would be the address of your SMSF?

The address of the SMSF is the usual place of correspondence of the SMSF. In most instances, it is the address of one of the trustees of the SMSF.
Address only contain valid characters. Valid characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, Space and & ' ( ) - /
Do not enter Post Box address. Please Enter physical address.
Type few characters in suburb and select from dropdown list.

This SMSF will have-

For comparison between individual trustees and corporate trustee Click Here